Why search here? This database contains peer-reviewed articles on almost every academic subject.
What’s included? Content includes over 5,000 full-text journals and over 200 full-text magazines, as well as full-text monographs and conference proceedings. Additional content includes citations and abstracts for many more journals and other publications.
A solid go-to source, Academic Search Complete should be a staple of most research projects. Although much of its content is duplicated in subject-specific databases, its comprehensiveness makes it a mainstay, especially of cross-disciplinary research.
Why search here? JSTOR is a large, full-text database covering a wide range of academic subjects, including biology, history, law, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, political science, psychology, social science, and social work.
What’s included? JSTOR contains the full text of thousands of journals, and its collections are especially strong for older or historic journals.
Our access to JSTOR includes a wide range of titles in several disciplines related to history, social sciences, hard sciences, and medicine. All articles are available in full text. This should be a standard go-to resource for any research subject. Focused on archiving and preservation, JSTOR contains a larger selection of older titles and issues than most databases.
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JSTOR offers open-access content available to everyone. We also subscribe to three exclusive JSTOR collections:
Why search here? This collection contains a wide selection of popular magazines, reference books, and primary-source documents on many subjects. It is especially useful for researching business and current events.
What’s included? The collection includes over 2,300 magazines, 1,100 eBooks, 55,000 primary-source documents, and 75,000 Associated Press videos, as well as an image collection.
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