My EBSCOhost
The company EBSCO curates most of our databases. EBSCOhost is the online platform for accessing those databases.
An account with EBSCO will enable you to save articles to a personal folder, check out eBooks, and subscribe to digital journals. Once you have created an account, you can use it in any EBSCO database.
To create your account, follow the steps listed below.
Video Guide
Create a My EBSCOhost Account
Begin by navigating to any EBSCO database from the A–Z Databases page.
Select Sign In on the database’s navigation bar.
The sign-in option in an EBSCO database. If you have a Google account, you can use it to log in. Otherwise, select Create one now to create a new account with EBSCO.
The log-in screen in EBSCOhost. If you create an EBSCO account, fill out the form, which will require Name and other basic information. Use your Rangers email address to create this account.
The sign-up form for an EBSCO account. Once you have created your account, EBSCO will maintain a folder where you can save articles of interest or see the eBooks you have checked out. You can also save searches or create subscriptions to journals.
The link to your folder.