My Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford English Dictionary
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is the most comprehensive dictionary of the English language, featuring not only current words and usages but also historical definitions as well as literary passages illustrating context.
A personal profile in this database allow you to save words and searches. Follow the instructions to create your personal profile.
Create an OED Personal Profile
Begin by navigating to the Oxford English Dictionary from the A–Z Databases page.
Once you are in the database, select the Sign in link in the upper right corner of the screen.
Sign-in link in the Oxford English Dictionary. When the sign-in window appears, select Don't have an account?.
The log-in window for your profile. Set up your account by filling in your Full Name and Email address.
The form for creating an account. You may have to complete a CAPTCHA in order to finish creating your account.
CAPTCHA test. See your account and its features by selecting your name choosing My OED.
Dropdown menu available when signed in. Once logged in, you can save definitions and searches using the link marked Save.
Save a definition in your folder. You can also adjust your personal settings to choose how definitions are displayed.
Customize the dictionary.