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Library News

profile-icon Douglas Davidson

On at 6:30 pm, the J. W. Martin Library will host the workshop, Secrets of APA Style.

In this interactive workshop, you will build a Word template that you can use for all your future reports and papers. We will also cover common questions about building your bibliography and using in-text citations.

If you will use APA Style in your classes or other academic work, join us at the Academic Success Center (Industrial Education 113) for this workshop. It will save you time and prevent frustration!

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profile-icon Douglas Davidson

On , NWOSU will hold its sixteenth annual Ranger Research Day, where students can share their research through poster presentations or academic papers.

This year, the event will be held virtually via Zoom since Oklahoma Research Day in March will also be held virtually. For the morning poster session, students will share a PDF of their poster with judges over Zoom while presenting information to them orally.

Students may also physically display their posters in the J. W. Martin Library on if they wish to share them with the campus community.

The afternoon paper session will also occur via Zoom with students delivering their academic research papers to attending judges.

First, second, and third-place winners will be chosen for each discipline category. This year’s presenters will be encouraged to attend Oklahoma Research Day in March, which Cameron University will hold virtually.

Please visit the Ranger Research Day website for copies of the entry form, call for abstracts (with more detailed information), discipline codes, evaluation rubric, and specifics on constructing research posters.

The deadline for entry-form submission is .