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Library News

profile-icon Douglas Davidson
Right now, the NWOSU Art Society (NAS) is holding a silent auction in the library. Funds from the silent auction will go toward the Art Society, a student club that promotes the arts within the larger Northwestern Oklahoma State University community.
profile-icon Douglas Davidson
Displays at the 2021 NWOSU art show.
The art is on display in the library.

It’s time again for the annual art show, and the displays are up in the J. W. Martin Library. Stop by to see what our students and community have created.

The 18th annual art show is on display from to . (Although the library will be closed for most of spring break, it will be open on .) The art on display includes photographs, paintings, drawings, and quilts. Cash prizes will be given to winning pieces, which will then go on display at the Runnymede on .

For additional information, visit the Art Society website or Facebook group, or contact Angelia Case at or (580)327-8577.

For more information about the university’s visual arts program, contact Kyle Larson, assistant professor of art, at or (580)327-8108.

profile-icon Douglas Davidson

THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF CULTURES will be held tomorrow, April 5th, at 7:00 PM in the Student Center Ballroom. The event will feature food and performances from around the world.

Standard ticket price is $10, but tickets are available to NWOSU students and children for $5 and may be purchased today at the front desk of the Fine Arts Building.

Starting tomorrow, tickets will be sold at the door for an extra $2 per ticket.

profile-icon Douglas Davidson

The library is building a collection of board games available to students! Do you want to relax after that big exam? Do you want to procrastinate before that big exam? Then the library will soon have the cure for what ails you!

Right now, we are accepting recommendations of board games to acquire. You will find a suggestion box at the front desk in the J. W. Martin Library. Please stop by to recommend your favorite games so we can add them to our list of potential acquisitions. No game is too simple, elaborate, weird, or obscure to recommend!

The suggestion box will be available for two weeks, from Monday, April 1, through Friday, April 12. So don’t wait: Come visit us soon to give us your suggestions!

profile-icon Douglas Davidson

Sign Our Guest Book

This week is the last week for the campus art show, being hosted in the J. W. Martin Library. And today (Wednesday) is the last day you can vote for the people’s choice award! Please stop by the library before 5:00 PM to sign the guest book and pick your favorite.

The Winner’s Show, featuring all prize-winning art, will be at the Runnymede in downtown Alva on Friday, April 5, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

profile-icon Douglas Davidson

Flyer advertising events with Ben Zawalich

Check out these upcoming events with March NWOSU Visual Arts Artist-in-Residence, Ben Zawalich

ARTIST TALK & ASSEMBLED DRAWING WORKSHOP  |  Wednesday, April 3rd at 6 PM in Jesse Dunn Annex, room 324

Artist talk from at 6–7 PM, and the workshop will follow from 7–9 PM. Ben will discuss his work, its evolution, and his influences. Directly after his artist talk, Ben will conduct an Assembled Drawing Workshop. This event is free and open to all, and supplies are provided. All experience levels are welcome. Experience creating a drawing through embarking on a collaborative, nonlinear drawing process that utilizes construction, deconstruction, and collage as key elements in the creative pursuit.

EXHIBITION AT NWOSU  |  Friday, April 5th from 3–5 PM

Ben is exhibiting an installation of the work he created at NWOSU in the Artist-in-Residence Studio located in Jesse Dunn Annex, room 323.

SMALL WORKS AT GRACEFUL ARTS CENTER  |  Friday, April 6th from 6–8 PM, and through the month

During the April First Friday Art Walk, Ben will have small works on exhibit at the Graceful Arts Center.

These events are free and open to all.
