Give Credit Where It’s Due
When you write academic papers, you must use a consistent, professional style both for formatting and for citing your sources.
This guide presents common styles and offers important resources. See the subsequent pages for more information.
Formatting & Citation Styles
Styles and formats vary from one discipline to another.
For most courses at the university, you will use either MLA or APA style. The former is common in the humanities, and the latter is common in the sciences. Many web resources exist to help you with styles and formatting, and the official manuals of all the major styles are available for your reference at the front desk of the J. W. Martin Library.
See the resources below to learn about various styles:
The MLA format, created by the Modern Language Association, is common in English and the humanities.
Find the handbook at the library or explore the linked websites to learn how to use this style.
Style Guide
MLA Handbook, 9th Edition, by The Modern Language Association of America
Call Number: Ref. 808.027 M7206m9 (On Reserve)ISBN: 9781603295611Publication Date:An all-in-one resource that makes MLA style easier to learn and use, the MLA Handbook includes expanded, in-depth guidance on creating works-cited-list entries using the MLA template of core elements.
- MLA Style Homepage
The authority on MLA style and the current edition of the MLA Handbook.
- MLA Formatting & Style Guide
Thorough, user-friendly description of MLA style from the OWL at Purdue.
- BibGuru MLA Citation Style Guide
An easy-to-use online citation guide.
The APA Style, created by the American Psychological Association, is common in the social sciences.
Find the handbook at the library or explore the linked websites to learn how to use this style.
Style Guide
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition, by American Psychological Association
Call Number: Ref. 808.06615 P9609a7 (On Reserve)ISBN: 9781433832154Publication Date:The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition, is the official source for APA Style. With millions of copies sold worldwide in multiple languages, it is the style manual of choice for writers, researchers, editors, students, and educators in the social and behavioral sciences, natural sciences, nursing, communications, education, business, engineering, and other fields.
- APA Style Homepage
The authority on APA Style and the current edition of the APA Publication Manual.
- APA Formatting & Style Guide
Thorough, user-friendly description of APA style from the OWL at Purdue.
- BibGuru APA Citation Style Guide
An easy-to-use online citation guide.
The Chicago Manual of Style, produced by the University of Chicago, is widely used in the publishing industry.
It is an influential reference work not only for proper citations but for all aspects of English grammar and style. Kate L. Turabian produced a modified version for term papers and theses.
Style Guides
The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition, by University of Chicago Press
Call Number: Ref. 808.027 C4325m17 (On Reserve)ISBN: 022628705XPublication Date:Technologies may change, but the need for clear and accurate communication never goes out of style. That is why for more than one hundred years The Chicago Manual of Style has remained the definitive guide for anyone who works with words.
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9th Edition, by Kate L. Turabian, Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, Joseph Bizup, & William T. FitzGerald
Call Number: Ref. 808.066378 T84 (On Reserve)ISBN: 022643057XPublication Date:Chapters include updated advice on finding, evaluating, and citing a wide range of digital sources and also recognize the evolving use of software for citation management, graphics, and paper format and submission. The ninth edition is fully aligned with the recently released Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition, as well as with the latest edition of The Craft of Research.
- Chicago Manual of Style Homepage
The authority on Chicago Style with quick helps, including a citation guide.
- Turabian Style Homepage
The authority on Turabian Style, with a citation guide.
- Chicago Formatting & Style Guide
Thorough, user-friendly description of Chicago and Turabian styles from the OWL at Purdue.
This style from the American Medical Association is common in medical disciplines.
Find the handbook at the library or explore the linked websites to learn how to use this style.
Style Guide
AMA Manual of Style, 11th Edition, by The JAMA Network
Call Number: Ref. 808.06661 Am11 (On Reserve)ISBN: 0190246553Publication Date:The AMA Manual of Style is a must-have resource for anyone involved in medical, health, and scientific publishing.
- AMA Quick Guide
A list of citations in AMA style, prepared by the Library at UC Berkeley.
- AMA Formatting & Style Guide
Instructions for creating an AMA-style reference list from the OWL at Purdue.
This style from the Council of Science Editors is common in the sciences, especially biology.
Note: Most academic science journals have their own styles. Ask your professor what citation style to use in class.
Find the style guide at the library or explore the linked websites to learn how to use this style.
Style Guide
Scientific Style and Format, 8th Edition, by Council of Science Editors
Call Number: Ref. 808.066 Sci279 (On Reserve)ISBN: 0226116492Publication Date:For more than fifty years, authors, editors, and publishers in the scientific community have turned to Scientific Style and Format for authoritative recommendations on all matters of writing style and citation. Developed by the Council of Science Editors (CSE), the leading professional association in science publishing, this indispensable guide encompasses all areas of the sciences.
- CSE Style Homepage
The authority on CSE Style, this site requires a subscription but allows for a free trial.
- CSE Quick Citation Guide
A brief guide to the style from Washington State University.
- CSE Citation Style
A thorough outline of the style from Thompson Rivers University Library.
This style from the Associated Press is standard in journalism.
AP style focuses on usage and does not include a specific system for citing sources. For your academic papers, ask your professors what citation style to use.
Find the stylebook at the library or explore the linked websites to learn how to use this style.
Style Guide
Associated Press Stylebook, 55th Edition, by The Associated Press
Call Number: Ref. 808.06607 As7815u55 (On Reserve)ISBN: 9781541647572Publication Date:Master the style guidelines of news writing, editing, and common usage with this indispensable guide perfect for students and professional writers everywhere.
- AP Style Homepage
The authority on AP style. The site includes a blog and several pointers.
- AP Formatting & Style Guide
Instructions on using AP style from the OWL at Purdue.
Lawyers use this style to cite legal documents such as court cases, dockets, statutes, or the U.S. Constitution.
The APA format defers to the Bluebook for legal citations; in other words, to cite a legal document in APA format, you must use Bluebook style.
Style Guide
The Bluebook, 20th Edition, by Harvard Law Review, Columbia Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, & Yale Law Review
Call Number: Ref. 340.01 B6253u20 (On Reserve)ISBN: 0692400192Publication Date:Presents a guide for lawyers for constructing citations, covering the format of citations from a variety of legal sources.
- Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
An introductory guide to legal citation, based on The Bluebook, from Cornell University Law School.
- The Bluebook Homepage
An authoritative guide to citing legal documents.
- Bluebook 101
A compendium of Bluebook-related resources from Gallagher Law Library.