Articles & Databases
Finding Your Resources
The library’s research databases enable you to find articles, electronic books, reports, images, and more. The content of these databases varies:
- Some are full-text and some are not.
- Some are scholarly and some are popular.
- Some databases cover multiple topics while others focus on a specific area.
Below, you will find a list of databases recommended for Education.
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Articles of Interest
These full-text articles selected from our databases may be of interest:
- ‘We're Going to Figure That Out Together’: Implications of Segregating Programs in Content Literacy Courses
Garrahy, D. A., & Meyer, B. B. (). “We’re going to figure that out together”: Implications of segregating programs in content literacy courses (ED519564). US–China Education Review, 8(3), 288–301. ERIC. http://
files .eric .ed .gov /fulltext /ED519564 .pdf - Combating the Crisis in Adolescent Literacy: Exploring Literacy in the Secondary Classroom
Wendt, J. L. (). Combating the crisis in adolescent literacy: Exploring literacy in the secondary classroom. American Secondary Education, 41(2), 38–48.
- Enhancing Core Skills Outside of the Traditional Core Curriculum: The Biological, Physical, and Visual and What They Mean to Literacy
Brewer, H., Damico, J., & Rinkevich, J. (). Enhancing core skills outside of the traditional core curriculum: The biological, physical, and visual and what they mean to literacy. National Teacher Education Journal, 5(2), 5–14.
- Literacy and Language as Learning in Content-Area Classes: A Departure from “Every Teacher a Teacher of Reading”
Fisher, D., & Ivey, G. (). Literacy and language as learning in content-area classes: A departure from “Every teacher a teacher of reading.” Action in Teacher Education, 27(2), 3–11.
- Promoting Learning through Content Literacy Instruction
Misulis, K. E. (). Promoting learning through content literacy instruction. American Secondary Education, 37(3), 10–19.
- Teaching Literacy in Context: Choosing and Using Instructional Strategies
Miller, M., & Veatch, N. (). Teaching literacy in context: Choosing and using instructional strategies. Reading Teacher, 64(3), 154–165. https://
doi .org /10 .1598 /RT .64 .3 .1
Education Databases
Although not necessarily an exhaustive list, the following databases are relevant to the subject of Education:
Multidisciplinary Databases
- Academic Search Complete
- Why search here? This database contains peer-reviewed articles on almost every academic subject.
- What’s included? Content includes over 5,000 full-text journals and over 200 full-text magazines, as well as full-text monographs and conference proceedings. Additional content includes citations and abstracts for many more journals and other publications.
- Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
- Why search here? BIPNA contains bibliographic entries for an extensive array of archaeological, historical, and contemporary information about the lives and cultures of North America’s aboriginal population.
- What’s included? Over 350,000 citations are included, ranging from newspapers and magazines to trade publications and academic journals.
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Why search here? This open-access database contains a wide array of peer-reviewed journals on almost every subject.
- What’s included? The DOAJ contains over 20,000 full-text, open-access journals.
- Why search here? JSTOR is a large, full-text database covering a wide range of academic subjects, including biology, history, law, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, political science, psychology, social science, and social work.
- What’s included? JSTOR contains the full text of thousands of journals, and its collections are especially strong for older or historic journals.
- Retraction Watch
- Why search here? Retraction Watch is a database of peer-reviewed articles that have been retracted because of plagiarism, fraud, or error. It also indexes articles about which “expressions of concern” have been made—that is, concerns that may eventually lead to retractions. This database can assist students in avoiding poor research.
- What’s included? The database contains thousands of entries. Each entry includes title, place of publication, author, reason for retraction, and other relevant information.
Education Databases
- Education Source
- Why search here? This is one of our most important collections for the field of education.
- What’s included? This collection contains the full text of over 1,800 journals and 550 books. It also contains citations and abstracts for almost 3,000 additional journals and information on 100,000 educational tests.
- Why search here? This is one of the most important databases for the field of education.
- What’s included? This database contains almost two million records and more than 500,000 full-text documents, including journal articles, dissertations, and conference proceedings. Many of the hosted documents are not published anywhere else.
- Professional Development Collection
- Why search here? This is one of the most important databases for the Division of Education. It includes full-text, peer-reviewed journals and educational reports.
- What’s included? Contents include over 200 full-text journals, 200 educational reports, and citations and abstracts for an additional 750 journals.
Study Materials
- Mometrix eLibrary
- Why search here? Mometrix eLibrary is a collection of up-to-date test preparation materials.
- What’s included? This database contains study materials for the following exams:
News & Current Events
- MasterFILE Complete
- Why search here? This collection contains a wide selection of popular magazines, reference books, and primary-source documents on many subjects. It is especially useful for researching business and current events.
- What’s included? The collection includes over 2,300 magazines, 1,100 eBooks, 55,000 primary-source documents, and 75,000 Associated Press videos, as well as an image collection.
- Newspaper Source Plus
- Why search here? This database curates content from a wide array of newspapers and radio and television news programs. Newspaper Source Plus focuses on recent and current news rather than on historical newspapers.
- What’s included? The database contains over 1,100 full-text newspapers and over 100 full-text newswires.
- Newswires
- Why search here? This database aggregates syndicated news from the previous thirty days. This database supplements Newspaper Source Plus and Regional Business News Plus.
- What’s included? Newswires of the last thirty days are included. Most are from the Associated Press.
- TOPICsearch
- Why search here? This database is focused on current events. It will be most useful for classes or writing assignments focused on contemporary issues or news items.
- What’s included? The database contains over 98,000 full-text articles from newspapers, magazines, biographies, book reviews, government publications, and opinion polls.
eBooks & Reference Works
- Directory of Open Access Books
- Why search here? The Directory of Open Access Books contains freely available, peer-reviewed academic eBooks on a variety of subjects.
- What’s included? The Directory’s content is eclectic and covers a wide range of academic subjects.
- eBook Academic Collection
- Why search here? This database contains most of the library’s academic eBooks. It is also searchable through our catalog system.
- What’s included? This collection contains over 240,000 eBooks covering a wide range of academic subjects.
- eBook Collection
- Why search here? This is EBSCO’s eBook portal, which has its own unique interface. This collection is also searchable through our catalog system.
- What’s included? All of the eBooks we receive from EBSCO are included here.
- Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
- Why search here? This encyclopedia features brief topical overviews useful for beginning almost any research project.
- What’s included? This is a general encyclopedia containing over 25,000 full-text entries.
- MasterFILE Complete Reference eBook Subscription
- Why search here? This reference collection supplements MasterFILE Complete. Although intended for public libraries, its contents may be useful in undergraduate classes.
- What’s included? Almost 780 reference books on a wide variety of subjects are included.
- Oxford English Dictionary Online
- Why search here? The Oxford English Dictionary is the most authoritative and exhaustive dictionary of the English language, past and present. With the OED, a student can track how the meaning of a word has changed over time. This is especially valuable for students of English.
- What’s included? The OED includes not only current definitions but historical definitions and usages accompanied by examples from a wide range of literature.
Theses & Dissertations
- EBSCO Open Dissertations
- Why search here? This open-access database can direct you to the full text of theses and doctoral dissertations on almost any subject.
- What’s included? This collection contains over one and a half million dissertations from 320 universities worldwide.
- Open Access Theses and Dissertations
- Why search here? This database links to full-text graduate theses and doctoral dissertations on every academic subject.
- What’s included? The database includes over seven million theses and dissertations from over 1,100 institutions.
Student Databases
The Oklahoma Digital Prairie includes several research databases aimed at students elementary through high school.
- MAS Complete
- Why search here? This database contains popular magazines and books on a wide range of nonfiction subjects. Although intended for high schools, it may be useful for subjects such as sports science, fine arts, social science, social work, and others.
- What’s included? Contents include over 540 full-text magazines, 440 reference books, thousands of biographies and primary-source documents, and an image collection.
- Middle Search Plus
- Why search here? Intended for middle schools, this database contains a wide array of popular magazines, reference books, biographies, and historical essays.
- What’s included? Middle Search Plus includes 174 full-text magazines, 478 nonfiction eBooks, and 55,000 primary-source documents.
- Primary Search
- Why search here? This database, designed for elementary school students, contains popular magazines and nonfiction reference works aimed at a young audience. It may be useful to students of Education, or to anyone seeking cursory overviews of basic subjects.
- What’s included? The database contains over a hundred full-text popular magazines for children as well as a library of full-text reference works.
Nonfiction eBooks
Our nonfiction eBooks include collections aimed at students elementary through high school.
- Book Collection: Nonfiction—Elementary School Edition
- Why search here? This collection of nonfiction books is aimed at elementary students.
- What’s included? Over 1,300 books cover an array of topics of interest to primary school students.
- Book Collection: Nonfiction—High School Edition
- Why search here? This collection of nonfiction books is aimed at high school students. Some of the content may be appropriate for topical overviews at the college level.
- What’s included? Over 2,450 books cover an array of topics of interest to high school students, including career information.
- Book Collection: Nonfiction—Middle School Edition
- Why search here? This collection of nonfiction books is aimed at middle school students.
- What’s included? Over 3,100 books cover an array of topics of interest to junior high students.
- MAS Reference eBook Collection
- Why search here? This reference book collection supplements MAS Complete. Although intended for high school students, its contents may be useful in undergraduate classes.
- What’s included? Over 370 reference books on a wide variety of subjects are included.
- Middle Search Reference eBook Collection
- Why search here? This reference book collection supplements Middle Search Plus. Although intended for middle schools, its contents may be useful in undergraduate classes.
- What’s included? Over 300 reference books on a wide variety of subjects are included.
- Primary Search Reference eBook Collection
- Why search here? This reference book collection supplements Primary Search. Although intended for elementary school students, its contents may be useful to the Division of Education or anyone looking for a cursory overview of a topic.
- What’s included? A large collection of children’s reference books on a wide variety of subjects is included.
Explora Databases
Explora is a user-friendly and visually appealing version of the EBSCOhost interface designed for public and school libraries.
- Explora Educator’s Edition
- Why search here? Explora is an interface from EBSCO designed for school and public libraries. This version of Explora is intended for teachers.
- What’s included? The Educator’s Edition gives instant access to all of our EBSCO education databases and also includes curriculum standards and sample lesson plans.
- Explora Elementary Student Research
- Why search here? Explora is an interface from EBSCO designed for school and public libraries. This version of Explora is intended for elementary students.
- What’s included? This interface can search all of our EBSCO databases. It also includes the full text of the Salem Press Primary Encyclopedia and over 75,000 videos from the Associated Press.
- Explora Middle School Student Research
- Why search here? Explora is an interface from EBSCO designed for school and public libraries. This version of Explora is intended for middle school students.
- What’s included? This interface can search all of our EBSCO databases. It also includes the full text of the Salem Press Encyclopedia and over 75,000 videos from the Associated Press.
- Explora Public Library Search
- Why search here? Explora is an interface from EBSCO designed for school and public libraries. This version of Explora is intended for public libraries.
- What’s included? This interface can search all of our EBSCO databases. It also includes a suite of reference works from Salem Press and over 75,000 videos from the Associated Press.