Style & Copyright
Cite Your Sources
Learn about journalistic style, giving credit to your sources, and copyright law with the resources on this page.
Keep in mind that the style guide of the Associated Press does not include a specific system for citing your sources. This research guide uses MLA style, but talk to your professor about how to cite sources in your academic papers.
AP Style
This style from the Associated Press is standard in journalism.
AP style focuses on usage and does not include a specific system for citing sources. For your academic papers, ask your professors what citation style to use.
Find the stylebook at the library or explore the linked websites to learn how to use this style.
Style Guide
Associated Press Stylebook, 55th Edition, by
Call Number: Ref. 808.06607 As7815u55 (On Reserve)ISBN: 9781541647572Publication Date:Master the style guidelines of news writing, editing, and common usage with this indispensable guide perfect for students and professional writers everywhere.
- AP Style Homepage
The authority on AP style. The site includes a blog and several pointers.
- AP Formatting & Style Guide
Instructions on using AP style from the OWL at Purdue.
- Copyright from the University of Missouri Libraries
An extensive guide covering copyright and plagiarism.
- The Student Media Guide to Copyright Law
From the Student Press Law Center, a guide to avoiding copyright violations in student press publications.
Citation Websites
Quick Links
- Citation Help
Our research guide dedicated to the different citation styles and how to use them.
- How to Prepare an Annotated Bibliography
A guide to annotated bibliographies from Cornell University.
- Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University
The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at Purdue.
- Getting Started with Primary Sources
A teachers’ guide to primary sources from the Library of Congress. Explains using primary sources in the classroom.
- Assignment Calculator
From the University of Minnesota Libraries, this calculator will build a schedule for your research project based on its due date.
Find Numbers and Identifiers
- Search DOIs
Find the digital object identifier (DOI) for a journal article or book.
- Search ISBNs
Search book information and bookstore prices by international standard book number.
- Search ISSNs
Search for journals by title or international standard serial number. Find the ISSN for any journal.
Legal and Government Publications
- Citing U.S. Government Publications
A guide to citing government documents, created by the libraries of Indiana University Bloomington.
- The Bluebook Homepage
An authoritative guide to citing legal documents.
- Introduction to Basic Legal Citation
An introductory guide to legal citation, based on The Bluebook, from Cornell University Law School.