Journals & eJournals
Finding Journals
Are you looking for a specific journal? See these instructions on finding a journal in our catalog and databases.
If you’re unsure where to begin, try this list of recommended journals.
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Suggested Journals
These journals may be useful.
This is not a comprehensive list. In a research database, you can search by Journal Title in conjunction with other search terms.
- Argumentum: Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory & Rhetoric
Journal publishes original articles and book reviews in logic, argumentation theory, rhetoric, and communication sciences.
- Composition Forum
Features articles that explore the intersections of composition theory and pedagogy, including essays that examine specific pedagogical theories or that describe classroom practices, methodology, and research, etc.
- Composition Studies
Dedicated to the range of professional practices associated with rhetoric & composition. Teaching college writing, preparing the field’s future teacher-scholars.
- Contemporary Argumentation & Debate
Contemporary Argumentation and Debate: The Journal of the Cross Examination Debate Association, is a refereed journal dedicated to publishing quality scholarship related to the theory and practice of debate (academic and pubic sphere), and argumentation (theoretical and applied).
- International Journal of English Studies
Covers developments in the general field of English studies, including the fields of language and linguistics, language learning and teaching, literature, and cultural studies.
- Modern Language Review
Articles and reviews on medieval and modern European languages (French, Italian, Hispanic, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Slavonic, and Eastern European) and literatures (including English) for members of the Modern Humanities Research Association.