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Suggested Books
The following is a sample from our catalog.
English Brushup by
Call Number: 428.2 L257e5ISBN: 9780073371634Publication Date:This text provides a quick, practical guide to the grammar, punctuation, and usage skills students need most and takes a self-teaching approach.
How to Write a Sentence by
Call Number: 808.042 F529hISBN: 9780061840531Publication Date:In this entertaining and erudite New York Times bestseller, beloved professor Stanley Fish offers both sentence craft and sentence pleasure. Drawing on a wide range of great writers, from Philip Roth to Antonin Scalia to Jane Austen, How to Write a Sentence is much more than a writing manual—it is a spirited love letter to the written word and a key to understanding how great writing works.
Lapsing into a Comma by
Call Number: eBookISBN: 0809225352Publication Date:No writer’s or editor’s desk is complete without a battered, page-bent copy of the AP Stylebook. However, this not-so-easy-to-use reference of journalistic style is often not up-to-date and leaves reporters and copyeditors unsatisfied. Bill Walsh, copy chief for the Washington Post’s business desk, addresses these shortcomings in Lapsing into a Comma.
Mechanically Inclined by
Call Number: 428.00712 An2378mISBN: 1571104127Publication Date:Some teachers love grammar and some hate it, but nearly all struggle to find ways of making the mechanics of English meaningful to kids. As a middle school teacher, Jeff Anderson also discovered that his students were not grasping the basics, and that it was preventing them from reaching their potential as writers. Jeff readily admits, “I am not a grammarian, nor am I punctilious about anything,” so he began researching and testing the ideas of scores of grammar experts in his classroom, gradually finding successful ways of integrating grammar instruction into writers’ workshops.
The Power of Grammar by
Call Number: 428.2071 Eh85pISBN: 9780325006888Publication Date:Grammar is the gatekeeper to a culture of power, yet it is also the power behind the startling beauty and robustness of the English language. In The Power of Grammar, Mary Ehrenworth and Vicki Vinton show you how these two notions of power can help your grammar instruction address the practical and aesthetic needs of your student writers.
Teaching Grammar in Context by
Call Number: 428.007 W379tISBN: 0867093757Publication Date:More than fifteen years ago, Constance Weaver's Grammar for Teachers broke new ground by responding to widespread concern about the place of grammar in the curriculum. Suggesting that teachers need to know key aspects of grammar in order to teach writing more effectively, Weaver also argued that students need to be guided in learning and applying grammatical concepts as they revise and edit their writing.
Techniques and Resources in Teaching Grammar by
Call Number: 428.007 C33tISBN: 0194341917Publication Date:The first two chapters of the book address general questions of grammar in ESL theory and classroom practice. These are followed by ideas for the creative teaching of grammar. Included are specific suggestions for teaching most of the common, beginning-level structures, which are listed separately in a grammar index for easy reference.