
Information for Professors
This guide features resources to help you in your instruction.
Whether it’s requesting library purchases, reserving materials for your courses, or learning about copyright in education, you can find what you need here.
General Information
The J. W. Martin Library on the Alva campus provides material to the Woodward, Enid, and Ponca City campuses when requested.
All library materials from the Alva campus can be transferred to the other campuses via courier in one to two business days.
Faculty can access our catalog system or our research databases at any time whether on campus or off.
When accessing the databases from off campus, you will need to use the faculty login and password you use on Ellucian Colleague.
Please present your faculty I.D. to the library staff when you borrow materials.
If you are teaching an online course, please direct students to the Research 101 guide for step-by-step assistance with the research process.
You can also direct students to the guide How to Use the Library for a basic understanding of library resources.
Library Liaison Program
A library liaison is a faculty librarian designated as the primary contact between the library and a department.
This librarian serves as a contact for assistance with, or information about, any library service or issue. The liaison fosters two-way communication between the library and the university.