Library Services
Our catalog interface, WorldCat Discovery, can simultaneously search our library shelves, our eBook collections, most of our online research databases, and other libraries all over the world.
After you search, you can limit your results by library or material type, and you can order any materials we don’t have.
We have over a hundred research databases in which you can find book chapters, newspapers, magazines, and peer-reviewed journals, many of which are instantly available online. The databases are your most important sources for current academic research.
Our research guides feature subject-specific tips for finding research materials and organizing your projects. Each guide suggests books, articles, websites, and other resources. Some guides contain activities, including ones your professors may use in class.
Your WorldCat account keeps track of what you check out from the library. Use it to renew your items.
Follow this link to set up your account or change your password:
Attention: We are currently rebuilding the online presence of the archives to better serve our patrons. We apologize for any inconvenience.