
Exceptional Students
In this guide, find a variety of research materials and resources to help you succeed in your study of children with exceptionalities.
On this page, find course information and a quick list of resources to get you started.
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The following can help you start your research.
See the Library Resources tab for more extensive lists of suggested materials.
- Education Source
Education Source is designed to meet the needs of education students, professionals, and policymakers.
ERIC, the Education Resource Information Center, provides access to education literature and research. The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.
- Teaching Exceptional Children
Feature articles dealing with practical methods and materials for classroom use aimed at teachers of children with disabilities and children who are gifted; an official journal of the Council for Exceptional Children.
- Exceptional Children
Original research on the education and development of exceptional infants, toddlers, children, and youth, and articles on professional issues of concern to special educators made on the basis of blind peer review.
Behavior Solutions for the Inclusive Classroom by
Call Number: 371.9046 Au57bISBN: 9781935274087Publication Date:As inclusion becomes the norm in general education, teachers are faced with behaviors they have never seen before. … Written by Director of Special Education Peter Gennaro, occupational therapist Beth Aune, and special needs mom and advocate Beth Burt, this book illuminates possible causes of those mysterious behaviors, and more importantly, provides solutions!
Encyclopedia of Special Education by
Call Number: Ref. 371.903 En19ISBN: 0471828580Publication Date:Alphabetical listing of over 2,000 topics that include biographies, educational and psychological tests, interventions and service delivery, handicapping conditions, related services, legal matters, and miscellaneous. Intended for professionals and general public.
Education at Northwestern
These links will take you to official NWOSU university pages.
- School of Education
The School of Education offers a variety of undergraduate majors and a master of counseling psychology (MCP), a master of general psychology, and a master of education (M.Ed.) at the graduate level.
- Division of Education
The Division of Education is committed to helping teacher education candidates, students, and educators meet the high standards expected of higher education institutions and public/private schools today.
- Graduate Studies
If you are interested in furthering your higher education at Northwestern, we offer master’s degree programs in education, counseling psychology, general psychology, and American studies—and one doctorate program in Nursing Practice (BSN to DNP online).
- Master of Education
The master of education degrees are available to any individual who holds a baccalaureate degree in the field of education from an accredited institution and who has a current teaching certificate.