
Social Work
Welcome to this course guide for A Helping Profession and Service Work. The library resources in this guide have been selected to help you succeed in this class.
See below for a quick list of resources to get you started.
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Study Materials
Studying for the ASWB Exam?
The library has the following resources:
- Mometrix eLibrary
- Why search here? Mometrix eLibrary is a collection of up-to-date test preparation materials.
- What’s included? This database contains study materials for the following exams:
Social Work ASWB Bachelors Practice Test: 170 Questions to Identify Knowledge Gaps by
ISBN: 9780826134332Publication Date:This full-length practice test with answers and rationales, created by a prominent educator of social work licensure candidates, is a key resource for social workers preparing for the ASWB Bachelors or Associate Exams.
Social Work ASWB Masters Exam Guide by
ISBN: 9780826172044Publication Date:Written by a prominent social work leader and trainer for social work licensing exams in the U.S., this guide is based on years of time-tested exam prep workshops conducted by the author.
Best Bets
The following can help you start your research.
See the Library Resources tab for more extensive lists of suggested materials.
- Academic Search Complete
- Why search here? This database contains peer-reviewed articles on almost every academic subject.
- What’s included? Content includes over 5,000 full-text journals and over 200 full-text magazines, as well as full-text monographs and conference proceedings. Additional content includes citations and abstracts for many more journals and other publications.
- APA PsycArticles
- Why search here? This is our most important database for peer-reviewed literature in psychology.
- What’s included? APA PsycArticles includes almost 120 full-text journals from the American Psychological Association and related organizations. Most journals’ entire runs are included, from their first issues to the present.
- Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research
Focuses on research on social problems, programs, and policies.
- Social Work
Publishes articles on all aspects of social work and social welfare that yield new insights into established practices, evaluate new techniques and research, examine current social problems, or provide critical analysis on problems in the profession.
Doing Social Work Research by
Call Number: eBookISBN: 0335235646Publication Date:Social work research is shown to be both a distinctive academic enterprise and a task that can be accomplished effectively in line with the values and ethical principles that lie at the discipline’s core.
Is It Ethical?: 101 Scenarios in Everyday Social Work Practice by
Call Number: 174.93613 H7834iISBN: 1929109296Publication Date:This book provides students and professional social workers with 101 different everyday scenarios and challenges them to think about what the ethical and unethical choices might be in each situation.
- National Association of Social Workers Foundation: NASW Pioneers
NASW Pioneers are social workers who have explored new territories and built outposts for human services on many frontiers.
- Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers
We are pleased to be able to offer access to our laws, rules, disciplinary actions, roster of licensed social workers, and other useful information for professionals and consumers.
Social Work at Northwestern
These links will take you to official NWOSU university pages.
- School of Arts & Sciences
The departments within the school offer a total of fifteen majors and twenty minors at the undergraduate level and a master of arts in American studies at the graduate level.
- Social Work
The Social Work Program at Northwestern Oklahoma State University is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).