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NURS 6010 DNP Program Orientation

An orientation module to help you start your studies.

Section 2: Creating Alerts

Getting Notified

In the following two assignments, you will create a journal alert and a search alert in EBSCOhost. These alerts will inform you via email when new articles are available from a certain journal or on a certain topic.

Set Up Your Account

You will set up a journal alert and a search alert.

These alerts provide email notification when new search results are available for your chosen topic.

You must set up an EBSCOhost account during this process if you do not have one already. This is separate from your library or school accounts. Follow these instructions (Figure 1):

Figure 1
My EBSCOhost Personalization

Note. From My EBSCOhost Folder - Tutorial, by EBSCO Tutorials, , YouTube ( Copyright 2022 by EBSCO.


EBSCO may have updated since the video was made, so what you see when making an account may look different.

These are up-to-date instructions:

  1. Select a specific database and log in.

  2. Once you are logged in, select Sign In from the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

  3. On the log-in screen, select Sign up.

  4. Input your personal information to create an account.

Recently, EBSCO has added the option to sign in using a Google account. If you use an existing Google account, you can log in without filling in new information or creating new passwords.

Additional Help

Follow this link for additional help with EBSCOhost folders and personalization:

Assignment 3: Set up a Journal Alert

  1. Begin by watching this tutorial describing how to set up a journal alert (Figure 2):

  2. Search for a journal in the eJournal A–Z List (Figure 3).

    Figure 3
    Example of a Journal Search
    The words neonatal nursing in a search bar.

    Follow these instructions to find a journal:

    1. From the navigation bar at the top of the screen, select CatalogJournals.

    2. Search for an eJournal on a topic of interest. This example uses the search terms neonatal nursing and selects the journal Neonatal, Paediatric & Child Health Nursing (Figure 4).

      There is currently an error in the catalog. The option Match any words is nonfunctional. Select Match all words before conducting your search.

      Figure 4
      Details of a Search Result
      Journals listed in a search result.
    3. Once you choose a journal, select the title to access the journal through the subscription database. In the example below, I selected the title of the journal Neonatal, Paediatric & Child Health Nursing.

  3. Now that you have selected a journal, follow the directions from the video above (Figure 2) to set up a journal alert.

  4. While filling out the form to create the alert, take a screenshot of the form and paste it into a document. Upload that document to Blackboard under Library Assignment #3.

    • On a PC:

      1. Take a screenshot by pressing Print Screen.

      2. Paste the screenshot with the shortcut Ctrl + V.

    • On a Mac:

      1. Take a screenshot by pressing Shift + Command + 3.

      2. Paste the screenshot with the shortcut Command + V.

Assignment 4: Set up a Search Alert

  1. Begin by watching this tutorial describing how to set up a search alert (Figure 5):

  2. From the database CINAHL with Full Text, search for a topic of interest in the CINAHL Headings.

  3. After you’ve crafted your search, set up a search alert using the instructions from the video.

  4. While filling out the form to create the alert, take a screenshot of the form and paste it into a document. Upload that document to Blackboard under Library Assignment #4.

    • On a PC:

      1. Take a screenshot by pressing Print Screen.

      2. Paste the screenshot with the shortcut Ctrl + V.

    • On a Mac:

      1. Take a screenshot by pressing Shift + Command + 3.

      2. Paste the screenshot with the shortcut Command + V.