Getting It Done
This page contains advice on using the library and conducting successful research.
Library Collections
Variety of Collections
The library contains several collections totaling about 100,000 books, thousands of print and eJournals, and over 70,000 eBooks. We are also building an archives of historic Northwestern Oklahoma State University documents. All of these items are available for use in your research.
Items may be in a variety of formats such as print, electronic, microform, CDs, and DVDs.
Circulating Materials
The J. W. Martin Library has open stacks so users may browse, locate, retrieve, and check out books on their own. If you have difficulties finding what you are looking for, the faculty and staff will be happy to help you.
Call Numbers
The library is organized using the Dewey Decimal Classification System. The Dewey Decimal System organizes library materials by discipline or field of study. Main divisions include philosophy, social sciences, science, technology, and history. The scheme is made up of ten classes, each divided into ten divisions, each having ten sections.
- 500: Natural sciences and mathematics
- 510: Mathematics
- 516: Geometry
- 516.3: Analytic geometries
- 516.37: Metric differential geometries
- 516.375: Finsler Geometry
- 516.37: Metric differential geometries
- 516.3: Analytic geometries
- 516: Geometry
- 510: Mathematics
A book on metric differential geometries would have a call number of 516.37. Call numbers are usually on the spine of the book. Items are arranged in the library based on call number. Because call numbers correspond with subject matter, other books nearby will be on the same subject.
Additional Notes on Location
Biographies are marked with a B on the spine label and are arranged alphabetically by subject on the east wall of the library.
The Reference Collection is on the west side of the first floor, just past the student computers.
The Print Periodicals are also on the west side, first floor. Older print periodicals are on the second floor, West Annex.
The fiction and non-fiction Children’s Literature Collection is on the second floor balcony, west side.
The Tyler Collection and NWOSU Archives are on the north balcony.
Library Services
Research assistance is available at the library service desks, by email, and by phone. Remember, all librarians are here to help. Just ask!
Research help is available by appointment or drop-in with the research librarian.
The service desk is by the front doors. Your NWOSU I.D. card is your library card; you need it to check out materials.
Professors may place material you need on reserve at the library. Most reserved items have a two-hour loan period and must remain in the library. To see if your course has materials on reserve, search the course reserves page.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) helps students, faculty, and staff obtain materials from outside our library. There is no charge for this service. To use ILL, submit a request using the ILL Request Form. The library will attempt to find the item for you at another library. Once found, print materials will be available for pick-up at the campus of your choice. Electronic material will be sent via email.
Basic Technology Services
Wi-Fi Access
The libraries offer wireless internet access. The network is called Rangers.
Laptops are available for use in the library, up to four (4) hours at a time.
Printing is available from the computer lab in the library and from the laptops available for check out.
Photocopying is 10 cents per page. The photocopier is located on the first floor, west annex, next to the periodicals.
Scanning is free if saved to your own removable drive. The scanner is located next to the copier.
Finding Information
WorldCat Discovery
WorldCat Discovery is our online library catalog.
Research Databases
The library subscribes to multiple research databases you can use to find newspapers, scholarly journals, book chapters, government documents, statistical data, and images.
Full-Text Articles
Many of the databases contain full text so you have immediate access to the entirety of an article.
If full text is unavailable, you will see the link labeled Ask Northwestern to get this item from another library. Use this link to order the article through interlibrary loan.

Information Ethics and Citing Sources
Avoiding Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s words, ideas, or information and passing them off as your own.
It is your responsibility to know what constitutes plagiarism. Not knowing citation standards is not an excuse.
How To Cite Your Sources
There are various bibliographic styles corresponding to different disciplines. Your professors may request certain styles.
Try the Citation Help guide for more information.
Why Citing Sources is Important
All academic work requires that you cite your sources. Citing your sources:
Documents your research and scholarship.
Acknowledges the work of others.
Helps your reader understand the context of your argument.
Provides information for reader who want additional information.
Establishes your credibility.
Additional Research Tips
Make sure you understand your assignment. If you are unsure, ask your professor.
Start your research early. The library does not always own the materials you need. Allow extra time if you need to order resoruces.
Meet your subject librarian. Your subject librarian will be happy to show you how to start your research. Find your subject librarian here.
Check the research guide for your subject. Research guides are a great way to become familiar with books, journals, databases, and other resources in your field. Don’t see a research guide for your subject? Suggest one. We are adding more every day.
Keep careful and complete notes of your reference citations including author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, volume, and page numbers. You will need this information for your bibliography.
Remember that you can access many library resources from off campus. Most databases will require you enter your Ranger identification and password when connecting from off campus.
Ask questions! The librarians are here to help. You can ask any librarian, or see the research librarian.